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» "The Monopoly Game Town" Building Contest of 2016
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 How do YOU play?

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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
Humor : Silly and sometimes sly
Registration date : 2008-07-17

How do YOU play? Empty
PostSubject: How do YOU play?   How do YOU play? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 12:15 pm

Come on, you know you want to tell us all here....

Do you make sims to represent your 'ex', then run them through the ropes? Check to see how much torture they can take? muahahahaha

Do you make that 'superstar' or your significant other, then proceed with the romance?

Do you become a building maniac, to see how you can create? And make all those walls and floors to match your themes?
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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
Humor : Silly and sometimes sly
Registration date : 2008-07-17

How do YOU play? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do YOU play?   How do YOU play? I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 12:22 pm

I can start this with my own experiences. I have been making them for so long that I haven't much experience with how they actually work in game. I have been having a hilarious time just watching them go through the experiences of everyday life.

One family I made just kept having babies, one after another. One lady had nothing but boys. She was the only female in the family!

I have been practicing different legacies. The Royal Kingdom one is the one I keep starting, but have yet to really get going. real life tends to interfere often....

I write stories with my game, too. I have 'a night in the stars' I wrote up for everyone to enjoy. And I'm planning on another one-am making the outfits for it right now to put in it later. There are lots of characters in these, so it's a work in progress/process.

I LOVED when MAGIC finally came out, and we could have witches!!! And when I found the hacks to make each kind of creature I celebrated! I put each creature into a house I made.

So, there is lots to do with these games....with lots more possibilities for the future---I won't be getting Sims 3, so this will do me fine for now! And for some time to come!

So how do you play??

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