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 A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2

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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
Humor : Silly and sometimes sly
Registration date : 2008-07-17

A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 Empty
PostSubject: A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2   A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 1:58 pm

The "CEP" - Color Enable Package v. 9.1 - 09 NOV 2008 by Numenor

The CEP v9 enables colour options for Maxis objects shipped with:
The Sims 2 (base game) - University - Nightlife - Open for Business - Family Fun Stuff
Glamour Life - Pets - Seasons - Bon Voyage - FreeTime - Apartment Life
(plus almost all the objects from the Stuff Packs up to K&B).
It can safely be used by *ALL* users, with *ANY* game configuration


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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
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Registration date : 2008-07-17

A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2   A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 2:01 pm



SimPE or Simple Package Editor is a package editor for The Sims 2. It allows users to edit neighborhoods, recolor existing objects, modify existing objects, create new objects, modify game behaviors and the like. It can also create sims2pack files, a handy way to distribute files that can be installed using the Content Installer that came with the game. It also includes a plug-in to edit a neighborhood's terrain (trees, roads, decorations, etc), a first for Sims 2 modding. The Sims line of games was meant from the beginning to be easily accessible to the modding community, and SimPE represents a massive and successful community-based effort on the part of modders. It is designed to appeal to and be useful to serious and casual modders alike.

SimPE is entirely based on community work and so is released under the GNU GPL. The source code and older versions are available on SourceForge. It is listed as the "simpe project".

With the latest version, 0.72, SimPE is fully compatible with all current expansion and stuff packs; there is a patch for the most recent stuff pack, Mansion and Garden Stuff.

SimPE's website contains discussion forums related to using SimPE and, to a limited extent, the game. There are several tutorials on specific topics related to modifying the game and using SimPE in general. The site also contains a GUID database, which creators are encouraged to use to prevent conflicts in the game that could cause one object to replace another (this is known as a GUID conflict).

SimPE requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 is installed for it to work.



If you need Help installing SimPE, please read this excellent Tutorial created by Xanathon.
Needed Software to run SimPE

* Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
* Managed Direct X 9c (only if you want to work with Meshes)

Main SimPE Download

http://downloads.sourceforge.net/simpe/SimPE_0_72_01c_Setup.exe This is the normal user-friendly installer

http://downloads.sourceforge.net/simpe/SimPe_0_72_01.7z This is the one you have to unzip yourself and put it where you want.

Please read Installing a NEW release of SimPE without an Installer (.7z) when using this manual install version.

If the download tries to give you 0.68 then it's doing it wrong. Do not use 0.68 instead of 0.72 and please let us know it is happening!

Additional Downloads

* SimPE Photostudio Templates (2.317 mb)
o Requires SimPE
o Version 3.0 (6.1.2005)
o Just start the Setup Application

* SimPE Base Careers (0.689 mb)
o Requires SimPE
o Version 1.0 (26.3.2005)
o Copy the Files in this Archive to your SimPE\Data Folder and restart SimPE

Older Versions and .rar/.7z Archives

The rar Versions, the Source SVN repository and older Versions of SimPE are available from SourceForge.net. A tutorial on how to download the SimPE sources can be found in this FAQ-item.
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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
Humor : Silly and sometimes sly
Registration date : 2008-07-17

A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2   A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 2:08 pm

SimPE Installation Manual - SimPE 0.60 and above, by Xanathon


Since there are some prerequisites to the usage of SimPE besides the installation of the actual program and often users are a little overwhelmed by the installation process, with this document I try to provide a manual to ease things up a little.

I not only give hints for the setup of SimPE itself, but also of other neccessary components.

I will not write about secondary software you need - for example to create new objects (3D-modeller, UV-mappers or the like) - since those are covered elsewhere in detail. This manual focuses on the installation of SimPE and direct related tools only.

We are talking Windows here, folks, so if you are a Mac OS user I fear you have to look for information elsewhere. Sorry.

Please excuse my grammar, since english is not my native language, but I think information is of more weight here than orthography. :o)

The manual is in pdf-format, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader or the freeware Foxit Reader to view it.

(the tutorial is attached to this page in the site)
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Number of posts : 494
Age : 63
Location : In A World of My Own Making-a sim world
Humor : Silly and sometimes sly
Registration date : 2008-07-17

A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2   A Couple of 'Needed' programs for sims 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 2:12 pm

sims2pack clean installer

Version is out

Here is the long awaited version with bugfixes, some new features also slipped in so check readme !

Welcome to sims2pack clean installer (S2PCI) official site.

Sims2pack clean installer is a tool for Sims 2 ™ and all the people who downloads a lot of custom content. S2PCI can be used to categorize, catalog or remove that content. It will also help you in installing your files. You will be able to preview some content before installing. It has a built in unrar and uzip routines, as well as possibility of installing dozens of files with single click.

You will need .NET framework to run this program, you can obtain it from Microsoft
Thanks to:

* ModTheSims2.com for hosting this site and package list
* DarkMatter for allowing me to use his .dll,
* Loverat and dizzy2 for helping with package list.
* Deedee for pretty icons.
* Queen and all others who helped with betatesting
* Karen Hess for writing new manual :)

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